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How to Dedicate Altar Flowers on Sunday Mornings

The talented and creative members of the St. James Flower Guild bring the beauty of God's natural world to our worship space each week. If you would like to dedicate flowers in memory or honor of a loved one or in celebration of a special occasion, fill out one of the forms in the Altar Flower Calendar in the Parish Hall after you have secured an available date on the calendar. If you can't get to Green Hall, you may call the office at 251-928-2912 or email us to inquire about available dates. We are happy to help. 

The Process:

  1. Decide if you would like to dedicate the altar flowers in the church or the chapel. *Chapel flowers currently not available*
  2. Go to the table by the window in Green Hall and locate the flower calendar notebook.
  3. Find an available date on the appropriate flower calendar.
  4. Print your name and phone number in the space provided by the date you've picked.
  5. In the church, you can either dedicate one arrangement ($50) or both arrangements ($100).  If you choose to do both arrangements for the church, please put your name on both slots!
  6. Fill out one of the forms found on the table next to the notebooks.
  7. Leave the completed form in the back of the notebook.
  8. Venmo, Pay online, drop the money off at the church office, mail it in, or place it in the offering plate.*
  9. The Flower Guild takes care of the rest. 
  10. The flowers are dispensed on Sunday morning after services and taken to hospitalized, homebound, grieving or other parishioners who may need flowers to brighten their day.

* Please denote "Altar flowers" and the date you are dedicating the flowers on the memo line of your check. 

If you forgot to fill out your dedication form while you were at the church, download it here and drop it off or mail it to us. If you like, you can call, or email us your dedication. (251-928-2912 or We have included a copy of our altar flower form for your convenience.